VPP q no sea de Santa Cruz o Intense?Quizas si..

Tema en 'Bicis y componentes' iniciado por Carbonboy, 28 Jun 2005.

  1. Carbonboy

    Carbonboy CarbonÃssimo!! Moderador ForoMTB

    16 Jun 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    El Paraíso
    Pues parece q si..
    no me he leido el articulo pero algo creo q tienen q ver las patentes y la caducidad de estas en Europa o algo así..si alguien sabe del tema..



    veremos una Thoëmus con VPP y quizas una Simplon de enduro con VPP!! :shock: :)

    de las Thömus ya puse algo hace tiempo..
    :wink: http://www.foromtb.com/viewtopic.php?t=23608

    VPP systems - the new trend? Large VPP duel in the July booklet (28.06.05/kg) which were the large trends of the last time? On the one hand carbon is to be called, on the other hand the Viergelenker. And now the large time of the Virtual pivot POINT of systems comes... Most large and many small manufacturers have in the meantime Carbonbikes in the program. For the coming autumn fairs that further carbon fiber models will stand also on conditions, on those she is not to be foreseen so far to find was - both with well set up Germans as well as - much admitted - overseas marks. The other strong trend of the recent years however is to a large extent expenditure-provoked, at least with the European manufacturers. Even most persistent advocates of the simpler, theoretically less defective-susceptible and maintenance-poorer Eingelenkers carried out the turn in Europe and presented Viergelenker. Since the US patent does not seize on the four-joint technology on the old person continent, for the European market no legal problem was. Now there is already another interesting Fully patent for some years in the USA, on which above all the marks set Santa Cruz and Intense: the VPP system presented by the small Canadian company Outland for the first time 1995. And this system, which can be converted on different kinds and also can bring out Bikes of a completely different character, arouses now the interest of the Europeans. Took up it completely again Swiss of Thoemus with their "Singlerider" and the Austrians of Simplon with a brand-new Enduro Bike. Further ones will follow surely. In expenditure for July the "bike sport news" we take up this appearing trend and let two rassige VPP vPP-Boliden to the test duel arise against each other: the Santa Cruz "Blur" as almost classical representative of the US rail and the Thoemus "Singlerider" as a Swiss precision machine, which is made series ripe straight. In order to become fair, have the nevertheless quite different tempers of these two Fullys we a new, detailed evaluation pattern compiles, which points out more exactly, where the special strengths of the respective Bikes lie. It concerns thus not at all to determine about a winner to work but the respective character out. Both are Premium Bikes, but they have their specific preferences on the Trail. Also with it: comprehensive information about Virtual pivot POINT systems generally and about the two Testbike versions in the special one - everything over VPP! For example like one the absorber to adjust must, in order to get the optimum from the respective chassis. Expenditure for July the "bike sport news" (July 7/2005) is starting from Wednesday, 29 June in the trade. If the booklet should not be with your news agent to wars, address it nevertheless simply times on it or order you by Mail with Erika Wengeler of the Bielefelder publishing house under wengeler@bva bielefeld.de
  2. gory

    gory Moderador Moderador ForoMTB

    13 Jun 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    cerquita de la CdC (madrid)
    pues a ver si habla gon, pero cuanta mas competencei mas se mejoraria el sistema (si es que se puede) y mas se ajustarian los precios no?
  3. Carbonboy

    Carbonboy CarbonÃssimo!! Moderador ForoMTB

    16 Jun 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    El Paraíso
    lo de los precios no se yo..eh!
    q las Thömus ya son caras de por si..asi q con el VPP..jarlll y las Simplon,idem..
  4. Dr.power

    Dr.power Barna Power

    10 Ago 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    a ti te lo voy a decir
    esteticamente no me acava de hacer,pero con el amortiguador alli abajo el cuadro queda muy limpio y baja el centro de gravedad.
    se tendria de probar,pero me parece mejor opcion para rally q las blur :wink: :mrgreen:
  5. Naranjito

    Naranjito Empezando de nuevo

    17 Jul 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Lejos del monte...
    pues como decis,por muchas marcas q haya si ninguna baja el precio,las otras tampoco,asi q accesible igual q ahora,como el carbono,mira si ya hay marcas q lo utilizan pero los precios estan como cuando empezaron. :roll:

  6. Antonio®

    Antonio® Linkage Design

    17 Jun 2004
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Pues la Thomus se me pasó en el primer mensaje, no me di cuenta de que habían copiado el sistema VPP. Está claro que si la patente es solo para USA los alemanes se van a a lanzar a saco a fabricar clones. Han empezado estas dos marcas que resultan ser de las mas caras pero si no tienen problemas de Demandas está claro que apareceran otras marcas mas accesibles.

    Un saludo.
  7. xforceman

    xforceman descentrador de llantas

    5 Ene 2005
    Me Gusta recibidos:
    Saint John Despi, Barna, España,UE
    Pos a mi me molan bastante.

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